South African Fish Production

There are Strong facilities are having to fish farming in South Africa. Mainly can be found marine fish production and Aquaculture fish production in South Africa. Africa Aquaculture industry growing rapidly and have a wild harvesting.

Latest technologies are used for fish farming in South Africa. South African Coastal line is more than 3200 km. also there are rich biodiversity like 10000 species of marine plant and animal diversity is recorded.

South Africa has well established fishery sector and high value fisheries like abalone, Prawns and line fish. Also South Africa has well developed fisheries management system. It is very important to sustainable development of fish production of South Africa.

Rice Production of South Africa

In 2004 Indicate there is possibility of rice production in South Africa by Department of Agriculture. After that feasibility study assistant the department to taking diction on whether to promote or not rice production in South Africa. Minister of Agriculture made a comment passing that rice production.

Rice is seed of Oryza glabemima in Africa. But not widely consumed as staple food in South Africa. Rise is Grain with the second highest worldwide production. Highest worldwide production is Maize.

Post Harvest Control of Fish

In fish production, There are many post harvest losses. because distant between catch fish and Island is more so post haves loses maybe high. we can reused to post harvest losses by using so many method.

we can use Ice box to take port fish. then fish can be keep freshly to traveling selling point. and consumer like to take fresh fish.
Also we can make a dry fish if production is high. If production is high we cant sell all catchment. so we can make dry fish they can keep long time and consumer value is higher.